
Install Forwarder on Windows #

Install Forwarder #

Run the following command to install Forwarder:

winget install SauceLabs.forwarder

Open a new PowerShell window after installation to use the forwarder command.

Add PowerShell command completion #

Run the following script to add command completion to PowerShell:

if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $PROFILE)) {
    New-Item -ItemType File -Path $PROFILE -Force
Add-Content -Path $PROFILE -Value "Invoke-Expression (forwarder completion powershell | Out-String)"

Open a new PowerShell window to use the forwarder command with completion.

Edit config file #

This step is optional. You can use default configuration or configure Forwarder with flags or environment variables. See CLI reference for more details.

forwarder run config-file > forwarder.yaml
notepad forwarder.yaml

Start Forwarder #

forwarder run --config-file C:\forwarder\forwarder.yaml

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