forwarder test grpc

Forwarder Test Grpc #

Usage: forwarder test grpc [--address <host:port>] [flags]

Start gRPC server for testing

Note: You can also specify the options as YAML, JSON or TOML file using --config-file flag. You can generate a config file by running forwarder test grpc config-file command.

Server options #

--address #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_ADDRESS
  • Value Format: <host:port>
  • Default value: localhost:1443

Address to listen on. If the host is empty, the server will listen on all available interfaces.

--plain-text #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_PLAIN_TEXT
  • Value Format: <value>
  • Default value: false

Run in plain-text mode i.e. without TLS.

--tls-cert-file #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_TLS_CERT_FILE
  • Value Format: <path or base64>

TLS certificate to use if the server protocol is https or h2.


  • File: /path/to/file.pac
  • Embed: data:base64,<base64 encoded data>

--tls-handshake-timeout #

  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 0s

The maximum amount of time to wait for a TLS handshake before closing connection. Zero means no limit.

--tls-key-file #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_TLS_KEY_FILE
  • Value Format: <path or base64>

TLS private key to use if the server protocol is https or h2.


  • File: /path/to/file.pac
  • Embed: data:base64,<base64 encoded data>

Logging options #

--log-file #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_LOG_FILE
  • Value Format: <path>

Path to the log file, if empty, logs to stdout.

--log-level #

  • Environment variable: FORWARDER_LOG_LEVEL
  • Value Format: <error|info|debug>
  • Default value: info

Log level.

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